Wednesday 16 November 2011

My Multiple Intelligences

My code is: y4p226482ct

I thought I was Interpersonal and Linguistic because I love to read, write and utilize new vocabulary. I also enjoy working with people or in groups.

I actually thought I would be better in linguistic. I was actually HOPING to be higher in linguistics. I am not at all surprised with the musical aspect.

 According to the test my top three Intelligences are Musical, Naturalistic and Intrapersonal. I only concur with Musical.

This shows me I learn better through music. Prehaps using a song to remember the periodic table of elements.

I don't think I would use this knowledge to determine which career I will take.

This honestly doesn't sound like me at all.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

My Date of Birth's Horroscope.

My Birthday Horoscope seemed to be accurate enough in my opinion. It says that I have a resolute attitude that can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness. I find this true because I often find that when fighting for what I think is right people exclaim saying "Why must you be so stubborn!?" when in actuality I just can't stand to step down when I believe in something. My horoscope also said that I'm imaginative. I think that is very true because I come up with some of the oddest and most unique ideas. Other things it said that I found incredibly true were: Having the need for recognition, instictively comprehending issues, streong instincts, adventurous nature, desires freedom, communicates in a crystal clear manner, is sensitive to others and has a cynical wit.

I didn't find anything untrue. The personality aspect seemed right and I can't tell you about the future. Obviously.. I was surprised to find how true this seemed since most of the horoscopes I've read were super false.

I am happy I read this horoscope. It was pretty accurate.